Django New Relic Plugin Agent Documentation

This project provides an interface for publishing arbitrary metrics to New Relic.



Register Django settings

...     # number of milliseconds between retries to obtain lock on metric timeslice
...     # lock acquired for atomic metric computation/publication operations
...     # license key for newrelic account
...     'NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY': 'keyboardcat',
... }

Set metric push task to run as often as you like. New Relic recommends 60 seconds.

>>> from djcelery.models import PeriodicTask, IntervalSchedule
>>> interval_schedule = IntervalSchedule.from_schedule(schedule(timedelta(seconds=60)))
>>> PeriodicTask.object.create(
...     name='PushMetricTimeslice', interval=interval_schedule, enabled=True,
...     task='newrelic_plugin_agent.tasks.PushMetricTimeslicesTask')

Add a Plugin Component

A component can be thought of as an aspect of your application/stack that you want to monitor.

>>> from newrelic_plugin_agent.models import NewRelicComponent
>>> # create a component
>>> component = NewRelicComponent.objects.create(
...     name='AccountActivity', guid='com.your_company_name.account_activity')

Adding Metric Values to be Sent to New Relic

Push a metric value by forking an async job to add the value to the metric queue

>>> from newrelic_plugin_agent.tasks import PushMetricValueTask
>>> # created a new account, track frequency
>>> PushMetricValueTask.delay(component, 'AccountsCreated', 1)